Welcome to EpigenChlamydia

Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infections are responsible for both the world leading cause of blindness (trachoma) and the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease which is strongly associated with pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, and tubal infertility.
Preliminary twin study-based findings of members of this consortium estimate that there is a 40% genetic predisposition to CT infections.

In order to fully exploit human genomics in the battle against CT infections, it is necessary to reliably determine aforementioned genetic predisposition at the gene level to CT infection and to define a genetic fingerprint that can be used as a marker for this predisposition. The EpiGenChlamydia CA aims to structure trans-national research to such degree that comparative genomics and genetic epidemiology on large numbers of unrelated individuals can be performed.

For this purpose, 6 interdependent workpackages have been defined: Epidemiology (to define suitable cohorts in Europe), Genetics & Genomics (to define a SNP-Chip, based on the complete host and bacterial genomes available), Biobanking & Datawarehouse (to built a biomedical ethically allowed central sample collection and data management system), Research integration (to streamline all European groups working on immunogenetics and chlamydial infections in general to gain synergy), Dissemination (to extend and further validate this consortium), and Project management.

The collective synergy acquired in the CA will allow for the generation of scientific knowledge on the CT - host interaction, knowledge on the genetic predisposition to CT infection, development of tools for early detection of a predisposition to CT infection, and development of alternative diagnostics to detect CT infections indicative to specific treatment.
Moreover, it will provide a basis for the development of effective active preventive (vaccine) and/or curative measures for CT infections.